Date of Birth 19.02.1960, Tbilisi, Georgia
Education :
1978-1980 I. NIkoladze Art School. Tbilisi, Georgia
1980-1986 Tbilisi State Academy of Art, Georgia
1986-1989 Tbilisi State University, department of photography
Field: painting, photography
Solo exhibitions :
2016 - German Hotel ' suliko ' Tbilisi, Georgia.
2016 - 'Art gallery vake ', Tbilisi, Georgia
2016 - The National Library, Tbilisi, Georgia.
2016 - Naty Gallery, London, England
2016 - The National Library, Tbilisi, Georgia.
2015 - The National Library, Tbilisi, Georgia.
2015 - Furniture House "DOLICHE". Tbilisi, Georgia.
2014 - National Library. Tbilisi, Georgia.
2014 - Cafe "R.T ." Tbilisi,Georgia
2013 - Salon-Restaurent ‘ Zazanova ‘ Tbilisi,Georgia
2012 - Tumanishvili Teatre. Tbilisi, Georgia
2008 - TBC Bank Gallery. Tbilisi, Georgia.
2007 - USA Embassy. Tbilisi, Georgia.
2006 - Gallery "Lazare". Tbilisi, Georgia.
2005 - UNESCO. Tbilisi, Georgia.
2001 - Theatre "Mystery". Exhibition Hall, Tbilisi, Georgia.
2001 - "Industry Will Save Georgia". Exhibition Hall, Tbilisi, Georgia.
1999 - National Library. Tbilisi, Georgia.
1998 - Tbilisi History Museum. Tbilisi, Georgia.
1997 - Cafe "Ovacia". Tbilisi, Georgia.
1995 - National Library. Tbilisi, Georgia.
Group exhibitions :
2017 - Art - festival.The ArtGallery of Valery Arkania.Ministry of Abkhazia Affairs. Tbilisi,Georgia
2017 - 'Art gallery vake' ,- Christmas Exhibition. Tbilisi, Georgia
2017 - Georgian Artists Group Exhibition,Zurab Tsereteli Museum of Modern Art , Tbilisi,Georgia
2016 - Nakhchivan-the cradle of humankind, Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan
2015 - galerea "vake" Tbilisi.Georgia
2015 - The Folklore State Centre of Georgia , Tbilisi. Georgia
2015 - The National Library, Tbilisi, Georgia.
2015 - The Folklore State Centre of Georgia , Tbilisi. Georgia
2014 - Giorgi Leonidze State Museum of Georgian literature.Tbilisi.Georgia
2013 - Giorgi Leonidze State Museum of Georgian literature.Tbilisi.Georgia
2013 - National Gallery of Art. Tbilisi,Georgia
2013 - Tbilisi History Museum. Tbilisi,Georgia.
2013 - Tbilisi Art Museum. Tbilisi,Georgia
2012 - National Library. Tbilisi, Georgia
2011 - Joint Exhibition of Geogian and Dutch Artists. Expo 't Zakkendragershuisje. Rotterdam.Holland 2010 – Joint Exhibition of Geogian and Dutch Artists. Tbilisi.Georgia
2009 - Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel. Tbilisi, Georgia.
2009 - Photo-exhibition. ”The Berlin Wall”. Tbilisi, Georgia.
2009 - Photo-exhibition.”The Berlin Wall". Gori, Georgia.
2005 - "Manana Art Salon". Tbilisi, Georgia.
2005 - Gallery "Cameo". Tbilisi, Georgia.
2004 - "Manana Art Salon". Tbilisi, Georgia.
2002 - Christmas Exhibition. Stuttgart, Germany.
2001 - National Gallery of Art. Tbilisi, Georgia.
1995 - Bolnisi, Georgia.
1984 - Polytechnic University. Tbilisi, Georgia.
1979 - "Merani". Tbilisi, Georgia.
Membership :
Member of Artists Union
Member of Photographers Union
Member of International Creative Union
Member of Ohio, USA and Georgian Artists Union
Member of National Creative Unity of Georgian Artists
2004 - First Place, Internet competition, France.
2015 - First place. Internet Foto - competition, Egypt
2016 - Nakhchivani's III World Art Festival. Azerbaijan
Works are kept
Private collections - Georgia, Russia, France, Germany, USA, Canada, UK, Italy,
Netherlands, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Austria, India, Poland, Azerbaijan
Internet catalogs :
https://artavita.com/galleries/14457 ( USA )
https://youpic.com/photographer/ModernArtvirtualspace ( Sweden )
http://www.modernartvirtualspace.be/434394463 ( Belgium )
www.artfinder.com/artist/kakha-chkhataraishvili ( England )
www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/g/guria (USA)
www.simulcadres.com (France)
www.art.gov.ge/artists.php?lang=En&artist=45 (Georgia)
www.fotohug.com/author/kakha-chkhataraishvili/ (Egypt)
www.global-art.co.uk/artists/view_artist/110 (England)
www.worldart-geo.weebly.com (GEORGIA)
www.artpeoplegallery.com/kakha-chkhataraishvili (USA)
www.arteide.org/en/arteidians/chkhataraishvili-kakha ( ITALIA )
Tel: +995 32 257 03 59( Home )
Email: kakha_guria@hotmail.com